I used to write a magazine column about events and event decor, and often focused on table settings and accessories, so I have an appreciation for that but, of course, the other night I zeroed in on the fashion accessories at the store. My friend, Kathleen Giordano, a former fashion model and a current spokesmodel and actress served as my muse while I took photos of some of the beautiful accessories. And, Eliza Reed Bolen, VP of Licensing for Oscar de la Renta (and Mr. de la Renta's stepdaughter) graciously posed for a photo, as well.
Eliza Reed Bolen, VP of Licensing for Oscar de la Renta,
holding the Ikat print ballerina flats. I especially liked the green version.
holding the Ikat print ballerina flats. I especially liked the green version.
Kathleen Giordano holding a robin's egg blue Oscar clutch bag.
(Notice the gorgeous gowns behind her.)
Close up of the pretty clasp. This clutch comes in a variety of beautiful colors.
Kathleen wearing a stunning statement flower necklace
Close up of the necklace, made of resin and enamel. This was my favorite accessory of the night!
I wore this Oscar flower pin, part of my own collection.
It was a fun night of haute couture fashion and fabulous friends, and everyone went home with a souvenir....a pretty deck of playing cards.
Oscar de la Renta gift bag & deck of playing cards
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