Saturday, April 12, 2014

Oscar de la Renta for the New York Botanical Garden

A couple of days ago I attended a cocktail event at the Madison Ave Oscar de la Renta boutique to celebrate the launch of Oscar's new home accessories collection for the New York Botanical Garden. Oscar de la Renta is one of my favorite designers and the New York Botanical Garden hosts one of my favorite events of the year, so this was doubly exciting.

I used to write a magazine column about events and event decor, and often focused on table settings and accessories, so I have an appreciation for that but, of course, the other night I zeroed in on the fashion accessories at the store.  My friend, Kathleen Giordano, a former fashion model and a current spokesmodel and actress served as my muse while I took photos of some of the beautiful accessories. And, Eliza Reed Bolen, VP of Licensing for Oscar de la Renta (and Mr. de la Renta's stepdaughter) graciously posed for a photo, as well.

Eliza Reed Bolen, VP of Licensing for Oscar de la Renta, 
holding the Ikat print ballerina flats.  I especially liked the green version.

Kathleen Giordano holding a robin's egg blue Oscar clutch bag.  
(Notice the gorgeous gowns behind her.)

Close up of the pretty clasp.  This clutch comes in a variety of beautiful colors.

Kathleen wearing a stunning statement flower necklace

Close up of the necklace, made of resin and enamel.  This was my favorite accessory of the night!

I wore this Oscar flower pin, part of my own collection.

It was a fun night of haute couture fashion and fabulous friends, and everyone went home with a souvenir....a pretty deck of playing cards.

Oscar de la Renta gift bag & deck of playing cards

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