I love color and it seems like I have shoes and bags in every color of the rainbow, but living in NYC, you can't beat basic black. A traditional black pump and a classic black bag will forever and always be the most useful accessories in any woman's closet.
Eleven years ago I sent my mom and my cousin to Italy (courtesy of a very generous gift of two first class plane tickets anywhere in the world I wanted to go from an airline CEO I had worked for) and I asked her to bring me back a specific Gucci purse that I had seen on line and was less expensive in Italy than here. She found it and brought it back. My recollection is that it was about half the price it was here, but my lira to dollars conversion may not be completely accurate. All I know is that I loved it then and eleven years later I still love it and still use it, although it's so special to me I admit to limiting how much I use it, because I want to extend it's life. It's just the perfect black purse, classic and elegant, that comes with the sentiment of mom's trip. Plus, as a kid, I remember Gucci being very popular, so in my head when I hear "Gucci" the impressionable pre-teen in me always thinks "wow, Gucci!"
Gucci purse from Italy
Just as important for every woman is having the perfect pair of black pumps. I recently realized that for all of my shoes (and, yes, I admit there are a lot) I did not have a pair of basic black pumps. I know this sounds unbelievable, but I had a beloved pair from Bruno Magli that I wore for about a decade, and when I had to finally retire them I never replaced them. I have a lot of black shoes, but none is a classic black pump. So, I finally zeroed in on a pair of patent leather ones at my favorite new store, LK Bennett. I love them and they will be a wardrobe staple for many years to come.
Black patent pumps from LK Bennett