Monday, March 10, 2014

Jewels By JAR

The Jewels By JAR exhibit closed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art yesterday.  I had been wanting to see it for months and finally got to it the day before it closed.  The jewels were stunning and unique. Many of the pieces on display were of animals, flowers and butterflies, all themes I appreciate in jewelry.  I was especially intrigued by the exhibit because of what I've read about JAR jewelry and its creator, Joel A. Rosenthal (JAR).  This wasn't mentioned in the exhibit, but I've read that Mr. Rosenthal is very private, perhaps even reclusive, and that he chooses his customers and he will not sell to just anyone.  Assuming all of that is true, it's an interesting way to run a business, but clearly it has worked for him for many years. His creations are very expensive and his customers are the very wealthy, including celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, whose necklace was on loan as part of the exhibit.  Also interesting to note is that this is only the second time Mr. Rosenthal has agreed to exhibit his jewelry, so it was a rare treat to see the collection.

I didn't take photos at the museum, because it wasn't allowed (although that didn't stop some people from doing so).  I bought a book of postcards at the Museum of some of the highlights that I will share below.  But, first a little background on the exhibit from the catalog provided at the MET (click to enlarge):

Exhibit description

All of the jewels below are brooches from the JAR collection. 

Rose Brooch
(photo by Jozsef Tari, courtesy of JAR, Paris)

Zebra Brooch
(photo by Katharina Faerber, courtesy of JAR, Paris)

Sheep Brooch
(photo by Jozsef Tari, courtesy of JAR, Paris)

Lilac Brooches
(photo by Jozsef Tari, courtesy of JAR, Paris)

Butterfly Brooch
(photo by Katharina Faerber, courtesy of JAR, Paris)

Butterfly Brooch
(photo by Jozsef Tari, courtesy of JAR, Paris)

I was so enamored by the zebra brooch that I bought a print of it to hang in my apartment.  I can't think of anything better to look at every day than a beautiful bejeweled zebra!  

Print of the zebra brooch

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