Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Beautiful Baccarat

A couple of weeks ago I attended an Americal Friends of the Louvre cocktail party at Baccarat.  I had never been inside the store, although I am familiar with their beautiful crystal creations and I especially love their jewelry and small figurines.  A few years ago I bought my mother a Baccarat heart necklace that she loves and wears often.  I wish I'd thought to borrow it for the evening.

Barbara's Baccarat heart necklace
There were so many beautiful displays at the store.  Below are some photos I took and some Baccarat provided that are much better quality than mine.
This gorgeous flower brooch was my favorite!
I also loved this bracelet
And there's a matching necklace...
Pretty purple Baccarat jewelry
There are a lot of beautiful things in the store in addition to the jewelry, like the "Minimals" collection of crystal animal figurines.  My guest at the party bought the cat for me in honor of my beloved cat of fifteen years, Monty, who passed away in August.   Such a thoughtful and beautiful gift!
The Minimals...my new cat in the center
The beautiful butterfly collection....I think the green is stunning.
Cute animal candy jars

Guests are usually dressed very nicely at these store parties and I love to check out what other people are wearing for clues to what's trending.  I got to talking to some of the other guests and met two cool women who happened to be wearing the same style of ring.  I'm calling them shield rings.  They make me think of a female superhero (superheroines?).  I don't have anything like this, but I'm on the look out.  I'm for anything that signifies girl power!

Danielle Arps and Jamila Justine Willis sporting some awesome rings
The rings close up
What I wore:  nothing especially trendy, I went for classic style.  Again, I wish I'd borrowed my mom's Baccarat necklace, but I didn't think about it until I was getting dressed for the party.  I've been intrigued by the hot color for Fall called "oxblood" (although I can't say I love the name and prefer the monikers of wine, merlot, burgundy or maroon), so that was my personal color theme in accessories.
Chanel necklace, Dimoni bag and LK Bennett shoes
Close up on the Chanel necklace in a rare red, white & blue combo
I got the bag and shoes at TJ Maxx and the necklace was purchased mostly with AMEX membership rewards points, if you can believe it!  (Yes, ladies, think twice before redeeming for airline tickets!)  If there's one thing I've learned in life it's how to shop! ;-)



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