Sunday, September 22, 2013

My New Fall Boots

I've never loved wearing boots.  After a few hours my legs start feeling like they're suffocating and I want to cut them off (the legs or the boots).   I prefer booties or ankle boots, whatever you want to call them.  They're easier on and off and my legs can still breath.  But then I met these beauties and knew we were MFEO (meant for each other).  Do I sound 13?  Well, read on for a little background....

Blue suede LK Bennett boots
With a nod to J. Peterman.....It was the 80's.  Late summer.  A teenage girl on the brink of womanhood set sail with her mother for Nova Scotia and Canada.  Through turbulent seas and waves of nausea she clung to the hope of finding a pair of ankle boots like the cool girls from high school had been wearing the past year.  Once off the ship and on the terra firma of Montreal they wandered the city and shopped until they found a shoe store.  Inside her eyes darted from display to display until she spotted them:  navy blue suede ankle boots.  Finally, the boots she had wanted for months, but even better because they were blue.  Off they went together on the long train ride across the border and back to New York where she carefully stored them in her closet safely inside their box, a fashion trophy to be proudly worn.  She took them to college with her, but alas, the hilly terrain and endless snow are the enemy of suede ankle boots, so she rarely wore them.  The boots joined her when she moved to her own apartment in the big city and occasionally were worn, but over the years her tastes changed and space made her edit her wardrobe until one day she decided to donate them to the bootless.  Filled with regret once ankle boots came back in style she lamented her decision not to simply store them at her parents' house along with the Minnetonka moccasins from junior high.  Then last week the girl, now a woman, walked into LK Bennett and there they were, the grown up version of her beloved ankle boots, waiting for her, calling to her....try us on, try us on....She did and they left together, boot in hand.  Back home she found a safe hiding place for them, in their box and under the bed.  The boots are dead, long live the boots!
They will make their debut soon...

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