Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Treasure Hunting

Sorry for the radio silence on this blog for so long! It has been a month since I last posted and it had been several weeks since I posted before that..so long that I had to think a minute to remember my password to get into this blog!  I've had a very sick pet needing care 24/7 so I'm about six weeks behind with everything in life, including this blog.  He's doing better so I'm working on catching up.  I was working on several amazing posts when he (Monty) got sick and I hope that by this weekend I can start getting them posted.  I apologize to everyone whose accessories I photographed or was supposed to photograph in the past two months.  I will get to it all eventually--I promise. 

I finally had a chance to step away from my home care pet triage unit and have a few hours of fun this past weekend so a friend and I went down to Chelsea to go antiquing.  We hit the Chelsea Flea and a vintage jewelry booth at an indoor antiques center and even a thrift store.  I'm going to save the photos of what I got for a later post, but my friend, Kara, got the two fun vintage pieces below.

Vintage Eiffel Tower pin, purchased by my francophile friend.  I love this momento of the City of Lights and how the rhinestones look like little lights.

Vintage 18K gold snake ring with diamond on the head

The snake makes a cool pinky ring

Antiquing is so much fun!  I love the hunt and bargaining for a better price...."the thrill of victory the agony of defeat".  When I was a kid I had a friend whose mom used to like to go to garage sales and she would call it "sale-ing".  I remember I was at their house one time and the mom asked if I wanted to go "sale-ing" with them.  Of course, I thought she was asking if I wanted to go sailing, but we had fun anyway.  My dad used to make the rounds of antiques shows, flea markets and garage sales.  He was a serious collector and dealer as a second business and he would get there at 6 am!  Sometimes I would go with him, but not at that hour.  I wish he were still around;  I would gladly get up at the crack of dawn to go with him now.  I know he would have been an amazing partner in my hunt for vintage jewelry.  I'm hoping to do some more "sale-ing" this summer, assuming Monty stays well.

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