Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fashion Photo Shoot

I was recently approached about being in a fashion photo shoot by one of the world's top fashion photographers.  It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and, of course, I said 'yes.'  I'm not a model by any stretch of the imagination, but I do love fashion and accessories (hello!) and this was my chance to style myself and live a fantasy for a day.  It was such a memorable experience and the people involved were amazing and incredibly professional.  I can't spill too many details now, but wanted to share a few photos of the shoot.  More to come as the project continues and the photos get published down the road....And, I can't wait to wear this beautiful dress again!

Working with the best in the world of fashion

Never work with children or animals...lol...
the horse just wanted carrots

It was a gorgeous sunny October day

I loved my eye make up

All photos above taken by my wonderful make up artist Danette Shoshana

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